Registration for
Hajj 2025
Step 1
Fill Out the Form
To get registered on the plateforme Nusuk (official Hajj plateforme presented by the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah in Saudi Arabia) as soon as possible, fill out (please make sure to fill all fields carefully and correctly) the form below, so our team can get you registered shortly.
Fill Out the Form Below

The information must be identical to that one on your identity document
Step 2
Validation of Data
Once all the data submitted is received and upon the creation of your account on Nusuk, we proceed with collaboration with Nusuk the validation of information in case something is missing or unclear in order to get your account verified and approved.
Step 3
Topping-up the eWallet
Once we get your account approved. The next is depositing funds into your eWallet on the plateforme of Nusuk; so when the packages are available, you can choose the package offered by Bakkah Voyages in order to benefit from the support.
The top-up can be done through Wire Transfer or Online Payment with credit card.
Step 4
Choosing the package
Choosing the right package for you wouldn’t be very hard, since we already pre-compiled variations of packages that cover all the services that may need during Hajj. All you what you would have to do is just to pick up one of our packages using the reference that we will communicate with you.
Step 4
Visa, Flight tickets, etc…
Once you buy the package that satisfies your needs, the elaboration of your Hajj Visa starts alongside with reservation of Hotel and flight tickets – this phase takes up to 45 days.
We keep in touch with you during this time providing information and guidance, and once the Visa and tickets are ready you will receive them on your Whatsapp.
Our Flexible Packages

Basic Pack
Stay duration : 15 – 20 days
Pilgrimage Visa (Hajj Visa)
Flight : roundtrip tickets included
Hotel : 3 Stars hotel in Mecca and Medina
Transport means : available transportation from Mecca to Medina and Vice-Versa
Starting from
5500 €

Special Pack
Stay duration : 20 – 25 days
Pilgrimage Visa (Hajj Visa)
Flight : roundtrip tickets included
Hotel : 4 Stars hotel in Mecca and Medina
Transport means : available transportation from Mecca to Medina and Vice-Versa
Religious guide : for the whole Hajj stay
Sacrifice (Hady) included
Starting from
6900 €

Golden Pack
Stay duration : 20 – 30 days
Pilgrimage Visa (Hajj Visa)
Flight : roundtrip tickets included
Hotel : 5 Stars hotel in Mecca and Medina
Transport means : available transportation from Mecca to Medina and Vice-Versa
Sacrifice (Hady) included